Our services

At Docufile Plus, we tailor our services around your individual and unique needs. During our initial consultation, we will identify the challenges of your immigration applications and tailor our offer to best solve the challenges.


Our company offers a comprehensive range of encoding services to meet the diverse needs of our clients. With a team of experienced professionals and state-of-the-art technology, we are able to provide accurate and efficient encoding solutions for various industries including healthcare, finance, legal, and more.

Document Collection

The document collection comprises a comprehensive range of materials gathered for reference, analysis, and decision-making purposes. This collection may include reports, studies, articles, policies, and other relevant documents that are essential for supporting various organizational functions.

Management and Organization

Effective categorization and indexing of the documents within the collection facilitate efficient searching and retrieval processes. Furthermore, adherence to data privacy and security measures is imperative to safeguard sensitive information stored within the document collection.

Application Assessment

Upon reviewing the document and application, it is evident that a thorough assessment has been conducted. The content is well-organized and presents a comprehensive overview of the subject matter.

We’re at your service.